The Ecosystem

Retail Circle is powered by the latest technologies. Our tools equip you with secure login, personalised profile and encrypted data for seamless transactions.

Products database
+7% YTD
Luxury market
Luxury market
Token value
Max payment
Token Market Cap
Created or Products authenticated

Asset Certification

Each asset registered by Retail Circle is verified to ensure the provenance and condition of the item.

Create A Free Account - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Digital Property Rights

All products in our ecosystem come with an “asset passport” which is the digital identity of your asset.
They are securely stored in MyVault.

User Analytics  - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Authentication Levels

Our AI and experts are evaluating the accuracy of each information provided during the authentication process in order to define a confidence level.

Protected Page - Darkbit X Webflow Template

ZK Proof Security

With Zero Knowledge proof technology, users retain full ownership of their own data. You stay in control with informations securely encoded.

Start tracking your user analytics to increase your sales

Adipiscing iaculis turpis ornare egestas ullamcorper amet non blandit lobortis eu lorem tortor elit feugiat.

Increase Your Sales - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Exchange with Trust

Retail Circle’s technology will help you find the most desired products, making online shopping available and secure at your fingertip.

Marketing Teams - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Find all products ever produced, full metadata and descriptions.

Design Teams - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Why buying with someone you don't trust when it's here, in your network?

Engineering Teams - Darkbit X Webflow Template


Know the current market price and make better investment decisions.


12 Cryptocurrencies

And even more!

Advanced Analytics - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Advanced analytics

Massa fermentum hac massa sit congue sapien nibh aliquam a ultrices suspendisse sit venenatis arcu netus.

User Journey - Darkbit X Webflow Template

User journey

Risus consequat ultrices vulputate tempor a ac etiam viverra pharetra at blandit sem elit feugiat quam.

Automated Reports - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Automated reports

Lorem posuere consectetur duis lectus est duis est commodo estolmer neque ac neque faucibus ut nisl.

Machine Learning - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Mechine learning

Massa fermentum hac massa sit congue sapien nibh aliquam a ultrices suspendisse sit venenatis arcu netus.

A/B Testing - Darkbit X Webflow Template

A/B testing

Risus consequat ultrices vulputate tempor a ac etiam viverra pharetra at blandit sem elit feugiat quam.

Integrations - Darkbit X Webflow Template

Advanced analytics

Lorem posuere consectetur duis lectus est duis est commodo estolmer neque ac neque faucibus ut nisl.